ACV stands for

“Asset of Community Value”

This term references the legislation wherein a building or piece of land is nominated for protection and preservation from development — instead being repurposed to benefit the social wellbeing and interests of a local community.

What We Do

We’re creating a living archive of community through print, digital and collaborative, real-life projects that bring people together in a supercollider of diversity.

Issue 01: Growth

An exploration of the living, of connective tissue, plants, decay, nourishment – ecosystems of communities feeding and housing those in need; and a meditative observation of the quiet transformations we all undergo, every day.

Order a copy of ISSUE 01 - GROWTH

Issue 02: Tradition

TRADITION: [latin: tradere], meaning to surrender, to give for safekeeping - the theme is as much about the past and present as it is the future. In this issue we’ll explore how different communities articulate their traditions, while others challenge or disrupt them.

ISSUE 02 - TRADITION is currently in the works and will be available for pre-order soon.


Editor in Chief

Connor Rankin


Anya Landolt


Arca Bayburt


Marlene Sluijmer


Niamh Thompson


Seb O’Connell


Verlay Studio

Our Values

We want to create a structure that ensures that ACV and our relationships with community projects and people we collaborate with are self-sustaining. With this as our guiding principle, we’re committed to financial accessibility for our audience, collaborators and participants. We maintain transparency with all that we do.

Curiosity and collaboration are what we’re about. We try to operate outside of our echo chambers and comfort zones – so ACV can investigate the cross-pollination of communities, art and culture with integrity and sensitivity.

We value input from everybody and will always be open to new ways of thinking and working.

Get In Touch

We want to hear about your community. Get in touch if you’ve got some ideas (or stories, projects – the lot), we’d love to hear them.

Email us at

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